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Can you perform a legally binding ceremony?

Yes. As an Interfaith Minister, I can offer a non-denominational wedding ceremony and I am an approved HSE Registered Solemniser.

What does a non-denominational ceremony mean?
It means you can have the ceremony of your choice. A ceremony that reflects the values and beliefs or none, that you have as a couple. There are no restrictions.

Where can I legally marry you?

You can be legally married in the venue of your choice provided

 - It is open and accessible to the public

- It can be identified by an address

- There is a physical structure on the grounds

- You have the permission of the owner


Can I get married in my back garden?

Yes, you can have a non-legal wedding ceremony in your back garden but you must have the legal signing in a place with the above criteria.

What days am I available?

I am available 7 days per week, bank and public holidays.


What time am I available?

Any time that suits you and your family.
Consult with your venue and photographer about times also.


We’ve never been to a non-church wedding can you give us an idea of the

Order of the Ceremony and how long it lasts?
A ceremony usually lasts about 30mins. This depends on how

much content you have in the ceremony. For example: if you have three pieces of music

that’s usually about 3mins x3,

which is 9 minutes, before you factor in the actual ceremony,

readings, ceremony enhancements etc.


Order of Ceremony (Example Only, can be changed to reflect what you want)

Processional (Bridal and Grooms party enter)

Opening Address
Honouring Family and Friends
Lighting the Unity Candles
Celebrants address
Wedding Vows
Legal declaration
Ring Ceremony
Legal Signing
Handfasting (If using)


What type of readings can we have?

You can have whatever readings you like, there are no restrictions.
Two or three readings are usual.


What about wedding vows, do we have to have them? Can we write

our own?
Legally you do not have to do vows, as you will be making your legal declaration.
If you are having vows I can send you samples or you can write your
They can be 'repeat after me' vows or you can read them yourselves.


What about Wedding Enhancements or Rituals?

There are so many beautiful, meaningful rituals you can include in your wedding
ceremony. Here are some examples:
Remembrance Candle
Unity Candle
Rose Ceremony

Love Letter Ceremony
Time Capsule
Sand Ceremony
Ring Warming
Vow Stones.
These are some of the most commonly used, usually one or two will be enough.


Can we involve our children and family?

Yes, it’s very beautiful to include your children and extended family and friends.
If they are shy about speaking, they can have a non-speaking role, such
as lighting the candle, pouring the sand, holding the ribbons, there
are lots of ways to include them.

Can we involve our pets?
Yes, pets can be involved.


I think I have covered almost all the questions couples are
anxious or curious about.


If you have questions, please ask! 


Amazing Ceremonies Ireland

+353 87 616 3339


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